We take pride in what we sell to our valued customers. We want to ensure that the delivery of your wheel is the best it can possibly be! Sometimes forces out of our control may cause transit issues, but what we can control is how we pack our products safely to you.
Here is how we safely pack your wheels from Santa Ana Wheel:
First, we start off with our custom made wheel boxes! These boxes can hold up to 100 lbs and are three durable layers. Inside the box is a custom insert which fits the wheels perfectly, preventing rubbing against the cardboard or jostling around in the box.
Next, we spin test the wheel just to triple check there are no surprise bends or hops, the condition is inspected to ensure it matches the buyer’s requests.
The wheel is then washed and wrapped snugly in plastic to protect the face. The custom insert protects the wheel from moving and bumping around in the box.
If you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, feel free to give us a call and speak with our amazing customer service team! (714) 239-1122.