Do I Need To Replace Or Repair My OEM Wheel? 

Wheel Replacement:  Purchasing a new or used OEM wheel/rim. Replacing a wheel is the best alternative if a wheel repair is expensive. Santa Ana Wheel carries over 30,000 products! We sell wheels and rims for all budgets.  We offer Alloy OEM Wheels or OEM Steel Wheels for major car brands.  We all know Original Equipment products are made to last! Though, if you prefer something equally as good, but for a substantial price decrease: we have some replica wheels in stock! These are made to look exactly like the OEM wheels- the only difference is a third party supplier manufactures them.

Wheel Repair: Wheel repair categories depend on damage. If you require wheel straightening due to bend or blemish. We also provide cosmetic repair such as: Powder Coat, Recondition, or Chrome we can happily provide you with a quote! Take a look at a previous article to see which questions you should be asking before making a decision: How Much Wheel and Rim Repair Cost. Please note that a repair can be more expensive (at times) than purchasing a new or used wheel. Each case is different; we try our best to provide advice that benefits you! 

Need A Price Range?? Take a look at our Services Today!

Need some extra tips on do's and don't do's for a recently purchased OEM wheel or rim? Check out our article: How To Protect OEM Wheels!

What Are Center Caps

Center Caps can range from smaller circle type caps that snap into a center hole in the wheel.

Center Caps can also be bigger caps that shield and protect the lug nuts, wheel studs and on many vehicles those bearing dust covers.

There are plenty shapes and styles of center caps. We provide a good selection of lightly used center caps for the majority of car brands.

We have been on the market since 1958, aka our warehouse may have some older version center caps in stock.

Check out our center cap  inventory today!

OEM wheels and rims and then some!

Next time you type in "Wheels Near Me" or "Wheel Repair

Santa Ana Wheel understands how overwhelming selecting a proper wheel shop or wheel store can be. Below is a list of services we provide.

Wheel Service: This includes Powder Coat, Recondition, Repair, and Chrome. Ask us about warranty for these services!!

- We also offer additional products

Mounting and Balancing: We are more than happy to install your brand new or used OEM wheel or rim for an additional fee. Be assured that we double check wheels for any bends or wobbles.

We take each deal personally and will do everything in our power to provide the best experience. .

Thanks for reading!! 

Online shopping has taken over the market! With plenty of options available on different shopping sites the possibilities are endless! Santa Ana Wheel has taken the liberty of locating an OEM wheel or Rim to match your needs. We have created a reasonable price for a quality and original product.

We take care of front, middle and back-end of selling and purchasing through verified and reliable vendors and everyday people, like yourself!

If you would like to conduct some searching of your check out our tips: How-To Purchase OEM Wheels and Rims this guide will provide in-depth details on how to find your perfect fit! You can also explore wheel alternatives 

You can always trust us to provide a service that will last you years and years to come. Feel free to connect with us at any time to discuss what kind of wheels or rims you require and be sure to receive an almost instant quote.



How often do you rotate your tires/wheels?

Tire rotation service is recommended every six months or 6,000-8,000 miles.

Your tires will thank you  with a longer lifespan and save you extra cash in the long run. Be sure to check with your automotive professional to see if you require a new set of tires.

Something to keep in mind are staggered wheels/tires. If your vehicle happens to have staggered wheels, your automotive professional is aware of the proper rotation practices. Just for informational purposes, during this process the interchange happens between back left + back right wheel/tire and front left + front right (aka lateral).

Thanks for reading! -J



You can always expect phenomenal service from Santa Ana Wheel. We cannot emphasize how much we have evolved throughout the past 60 years! From our dedicated warehouse team leaders and staff who clean, balance, and package your wheels with care. To each of our sales representative who promises to offer a smooth purchase experience and fix any bumps along that way. To our purchasing manager who hand-picks the best quality wheels/rims for our customers! To our e-commerce who assures up to date listings. Our management team who keep things intact and are ready for the next industry moves!  Every person in the company puts exceptional effort, and we are growing every day!

All of this would mean nothing if we didn't provide our customers the best inventory selection and additional services. We dedicate our time to have the item you need in stock. Santa Ana Wheel is notorious for having a particular wheel that another provider may not have. Searching for the perfect OEM wheel/rim is made easy with us! If you can't find a wheel or rim- then maybe it doesn't exist! I'm kidding! But, you get my point.

A special thanks to all of our new and returning customers. We are always open to suggestions on how to improve your experience! Feel free to email suggestions or comments to jenny@santaanawheel.com.

Thanks! -Jenny

How to buy wheels from us:

  1. To purchase your perfect set or single wheel for any brand name vehicle. You must know the make, model, and year of your vehicle.
  2. Locate the size of your wheel. To find the size of the wheel of your car: pay close attention to stamped or cast on the sidewall of the tire. The number to the right of the R is the size of the wheel. For example, 205/75/R15. ’15’ is the size of the wheel. Locate the manufacturer part # in the back of the wheel. This is important if your vehicle has staggered wheels. For example, front and rear wheels will differ in size: Front Wheel: 19x8", Back Wheel: 19x9.5". *Give us a call if you need assistance for this step. (714) 239-1122
  3. Know what finish or color your wheel/rim is. There are variations of original wheels- some of the more common colors or finishes of OEM wheels and rims are Silver, Chrome, Matte black, or Hyper Silver, plus many many more!
  4. If you search for a replacement OEM Wheel or Rim, keep in mind that we try our best to match the color/finish that you require. At times, locating an exact match is not an option- instead, we can find an 85-90% match.

We are pleased to answer any questions/comments do not hesitate to contact us right away.

Call:(714) 239-1122

Email: sales@santaanawheel.com

Text: (949) 478-2033

Thanks for reading. Till' next time!

Tires Are Important TOO!

Here at Santa Ana Wheel, we specialize in OEM wheels and rims - tire(s) selection is a small fraction of our inventory, but we still provide the option to purchase used tires.

 Check Out Our LIVE Inventory List- updated weekly - on this list we compare OUR used tire prices to new tire prices. Each tire has less than 500 miles. We carry various brands and sizes.

Back to business. TIRES! They are essential to fixing any bent wheel or rim.

Important factors are as follows:

  1. Size. An automotive specialist can determine which size you need. OR you can find the numerical combination on the outside part of your tire.  Smaller tires (17" down) tend to be less expensive than bigger tires (18" up)
  2. Performance: Are they all-season? Winter? Summer? Your environment has a lot to do with how your drive is affected. If you live in harsh terrain during cold season winter tires are required - same goes for summer tires. All-season tires are versatile and cost-effective.

Some General Functions Include: Weight Bearing is the development and pressure associated with the item. Shock Absorption is vibrations continually happening- a right tire is assembled to mute these actions. Power of your tire and performance from the engine can make or break a vehicle. Brakes play a significant role here - the faster you go, the faster you should be able to stop. Finally, movement of the tire is critical- direction control (left, right, front, back, etc.) and stability of your car rely on all systems working properly.

There is so much more that comes into play when a tire is involved. Do your research and see which one is best for you! Thanks for reading! Till next time!


What is a Reconditioned OEM Wheel or Rim?

OEM Wheel or Rim, as you may or may not know, stands for the original equipment manufacturer. Do not confuse OEM with Replica- which is simply a wheel or rim that looks exactly like the original (OEM) but is not. Think of it as knock-off version. Do not confuse OEM with aftermarket either, aftermarket are produced to look for extravagant than OEM and at times may cost more. Let's look at the basics of OEM New and Used wheel versus Reconditioned wheel.

New OEM Wheels

These are fresh from the manufacturer- they have never been mounted on a vehicle or used for showcase purposes. New OEMs are classified as "used" the moment they step out of the lot.  Ten times out of ten, purchasing these brand-new wheels will be costly- the perfect wheel comes at a not-so-perfect price. Brand new wheels/rims are usually what the dealerships provide/sell to their customer(s).

Used OEM Wheel

We use an OEM Grading Scale to determine the quality of each wheel. Grade A wheels/rims are new looking wheels- which may only have a couple of minor scratches or rashes. Grade B & C wheels or rims have imperfections such as scrapes, or minor bends- worn down- with noticeable flaws.  The upside about purchasing used wheels/rims is savings. In some cases, people have a better chance of finding a wheel for a make or model that is no longer on the market/discontinued.

Reconditioned Wheel or Rim

A reconditioned wheel is safe and functional for your vehicle. The main difference between Reconditioned and New or Used wheel(s) is the repair process. Any imperfections such as a crack, scrape, blemish, etc. can happen for multiple reasons. Damaged wheel(s) or rim(s) decreases value due to an adverse cosmetic change. To fix this damage, some are “Reconditioned.” During this process,  the wheel gets stripped of any imperfections such as curb rashes or bends- to look like new! Please keep in mind that not all wheels/rims are eligible for reconditioning or a cosmetic upgrade. Occasionally wheels are irreparable due to severe cracks or bents! The benefit of a refurbished wheel/rim is lower costs and a like new look.


New wheels are readily available for a price. Used wheels may not look as perfect but offer the same high-quality job. Recon wheels are original(s) except they are enhanced cosmetically.


What are Hubcaps?

Hubcaps are an accessory/decoration for your “Differences of Aluminum & Steel wheels” or "Types of Rims" As mentioned in the previous post, steel wheels are not the most attractive- hubcaps provide a clean face finish to your wheel. Hubcaps materials are plastic or metal and used merely for looks. The round, decorative pieces are bound to steel wheel through clips they provide grip and security on the groove of the wheel.

How Do I Install Hubcaps?

*Editor Note: Before you begin Hubcap replacement- be sure you are on the flat surface and activate your emergency brake- safety first!  Also, only take off HubCaps when necessary- the more you take off the hubcap, the more likely it is to pop-off in rough road conditions.

1.With No Screws or Lug Nuts:

Tools: Screwdriver, Rubber Hammer/Mallet

It is not that hard to install hubcaps on your steel wheels. First, you must examine the placement style of your current hubcap. Some are held on by clips, and others are bolted in with lug nuts. The clip on hubcaps makes it easy to pop-on and pop-off. I would recommend having a screwdriver for this process. With the screwdriver; examine your hubcap, feel around for a sweet spot- loose or wiggly. You should slowly start to rotate around the hubcap to loosen the hubcap to the point where it will not break or snap in half. The moment your old hubcap is entirely off, grab your new hubcap and align it directly over the location of the previous hubcap. You will need a rubber hammer of some sort to hit the new hubcap into place. Slowly start hitting the edges with a rubber hammer. You will begin to hear some clicking noise throughout the process. And viola

2. With Lug Nuts:

Tools: Lug Wrench

Start off by turning one lug nut counterclockwise with a lug wrench. If the lug nut is too tight, use your foot and stand on lug wrench to create pressure to push counterclockwise. Once they are loose, you can begin unscrewing the lug nut with your hand. Repeat this process and remove all but two lug nuts facing each other. This ensures that your old hubcap and wheel are held together securely. Be sure to keep the lug nuts in safe storage. Next, you must remove the plastic washers from lug nuts. Next, reattach the lug nuts lightly, just enough to hold the previous hubcap in place. Unscrew the TWO lug nuts that were not previously removed and still contain the plastic washers. The hubcap should be come off smoothly without the plastic washers. Place your new hubcap on the steel wheel, replace the two lug nuts with spacers back onto the wheel and lightly tighten them. Remove the lug nuts without the spacers, and place the washers back in place. Place lug nuts back on wheel and screw them on tightly with the lug wrench!     

3. With Screws

Tools: Screwdriver

Be sure to locate screw on the hubcap; it may not be visible right away; it may be hiding behind a plastic piece in the center of the hubcap. Once you locate, use the screwdriver to loosen the small cover. After you unscrew, place screw in a safe area (do not to lose!), remove the old cap, place the new hubcap over, place screw back on the hubcap and screw it back on with hand. Once cap is secure, use screwdriver to tighten enough so it does not move- do not over-tighten.

Hopefully this article helped out! If you would like full animation visit Change Hubcaps with Lug nuts for play-by-play animation!

Till’’ next week! -J